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A Steelback is a huge beetle-like creature native to the planet Radole from the Spelljammer campaign setting.[1]


Steelbacks are enormous beetle-like creatures with highly-reflective metallic shells native to the Sunside region of Radole in Winterspace.[1]


A steelback resembles a huge beetle-like creature with a highly-reflective metallic shell covering its back. This shell is almost a perfect hemisphere, supported less than a foot off the ground by 36 short, multi-jointed legs. The creature's head is usually drawn in beneath the shell so that only its long, serrated mandibles are exposed. However, it can shoot its head forward with blinding speed, extending the reach of its mandibles by an additional 5 feet. For such a large creature, the steelback is remarkably fast, and its multiple legs allow it to traverse virtually any kind of terrain.[1]


Steelbacks have been described as mindless killing machines. They are predators, preying on the other beetle-like creatures native to the Sunside region. Many sages believe that steelbacks absorb the energy that they require from the harsh sunlight that beats down on them continuously. If this is true, it means that they only need to eat to provide themselves with the raw materials required to enlarge and heal their bodies. Such being the case, it would be impossible to starve a steelback to death, provided it received sufficient sunlight.[1]


A steelback uses its long mandibles to bite and crush its prey. If the beetle manages to bite a human-sized opponent or smaller, it can maintain its grip with its mandibles, inflicting significant damage until its victim is dead, or the beetle is forced to engage another target.

The beetle is remarkably fast for a creature of its size, and is capable of phenomenal bursts of speed when charging an opponent within 60-feet. It may choose to attack using its mandibles at the end of its charge, or it may simply slam into its foe, using its bulk to crush its foe, and possibly knocking them off their feet, allowing the steelback to trample them underfoot.

It is theoretically possible - albeit very difficult - to roll a steelback over onto its back to expose its vulnerable underbelly. However, the creature's hemispherical shape makes it fairly easy for the creature to roll back onto its feet merely by shifting its weight.

Steelbacks are immune to the effects of fire and heat, as well as electrical attacks. Lightning bolts reflect perfectly off the creature's metallic shell, about half of them being reflected back directly at their point of origin, while the rest are reflected in a random direction, possibly endangering other creatures nearby. Steelbacks are particularly vulnerable to cold-based attacks, and suffer from hypothermia if forced into an environment colder than 300 °F (149 °C). Steelbacks are completely immune to all types of poison (including toxic substances such as green dragon breath).[1]


The high temperatures found in the Sunside region of Radole make it instant death for most normal forms of life. However, there are various creatures who have adapted to the extreme conditions, the majority of which appear to be roughly insectile. The steelbacks are only one example of the numerous beetle-like creatures with huge, reflective metallic shells that make this place their home. Since there appears to be nothing else for them to eat, many sages assume the various creatures prey on each other for nourishment, or perhaps extract what they need directly from the planetary crust.[2] Because they require high temperatures to survive, steelbacks never approach the habitable region of Radole known as the Ribbon, and subsequently pose no threat to the creatures that live there.

Steelbacks hunt either alone or in small groups. It's unknown whether these hunting groups represent families, or are just random associations of creatures. Hunting groups form and break apart seemingly at random.

Steelbacks are all female, and reproduce by parthenogenesis. Every 500 standard days, a steelback lays up to 4 eggs, which the creature conceals in the shallows of a "lake" of molten metal. Fifty days later, the newly-hatched steelbacks emerge from the lake and go off on their own. Juveniles mature quickly, reaching full size in only 150 standard days. No one knows exactly how long steelbacks live, though there are indications that they might live for as many as 15,000 standard days (±41 years).[1]


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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Nigel Findley, SJR4 Practical Planetology, 1991, (TSR Inc.), Steelback Beetle (Radole) entry, page 60
  2. Nigel Findley, SJR4 Practical Planetology, 1991, (TSR Inc.), Radole section, chapter 2: Earth Bodies, page 14